The U.S. Navy has completed flushing system water lines at the Pearl City Peninsula military housing neighborhood on Dec. 22. Samples were sent to the mainland for testing and, pending results expected back next week, workers will move on to flushing individual Pearl City Peninsula homes. In accordance with the Water System Flushing Zone Map, Pearl City Peninsula was flushed first given its proximity to the Waiawa well, which has been the source of the Navy’s drinking water since the Red Hill and Halawa wells were closed on Nov. 28 and Dec. 3, respectively. The U.S. Navy is flushing distribution systems in accordance with the jointly signed Hawai‘i State Department of Health (DOH), U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Navy and U.S. Army Drinking Water Distribution System Recovery Plan using Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration units. The GACs are connected to fire hydrants, and the filtered water is discharged into storm drains or over land with Hawai‘i DOH and EPA oversight. The purpose of filtering through GACs is to ensure the water being discharged to the storm drains or land applications is free from petroleum products that may threaten human health and the environment. Once zones are flushed, water samples are taken and sent to a certified lab on the mainland for testing to confirm the drinking water meets federal and state standards. Flushing will continue until testing confirms the drinking water is fit for consumption as determined by Hawai‘i DOH. Water line flushing is ongoing in the Aliamanu Military Reservation, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, and Red Hill housing areas. A regularly updated flushing progress map can be found here. Joint U.S. military personnel, alongside both local, state and federal agencies, continue to leverage all available resources in order to restore safe drinking water and safeguard the environment. We remain committed to providing all necessary support to families and communities throughout the flushing process.
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