The GDSC is a supply and logistics questions / assistance single point of contact for the Navy Enterprise, Joint and Allied Forces. It was established to be a "one-stop shop" for supply and logistics assistance. The GDSC has improved the efficiency and effectiveness of supply and logistics processes and ensures customer care and satisfaction. For assistance with all applicable supply and logistics requirements, contact GDSC (1-877-418-6824 or DSN: 510-428-6824) option 1, option1, or email at, 24/7, 365 days a year to request support from a trained customer service professional.
GDSC provides multi-level, tier I support for Navy and Joint distance support and tier II support for supply and logistics. Extended customer care provided includes, after hours support for logistics support centers, Household Goods, and regional transportation centers. Professional and expert support for routine and high priority requirements are received via multi-channels: phone, fax, and email.
For Stock Availability, Requisition Status, Part Number Processing, File / Text Upload – MILSTRIP Records.
One Touch Support
High Priority (CASREP) Requisition Status. Priority Material Office
Navy Logistics Library
NAVY311 Household Goods. DoD Moving Portal WEBFLIS Air Force Stock Control FEDMALL GSA DLA Portal DSS MRO Forms Online Logtool
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