The Information Technology (IT) Services encompasses the oversight and delivery of IT/information management /information services for NAVSUP. This includes the creation and enforcement of Enterprisewide goals and objectives in the areas of IT planning, policy, development, prioritization, delivery, standards, budgeting, acquisition, architecture, portfolio management, information assurance, and data center management. NAVSUP supports this P&S by providing the appropriate information (data management), resources (acquisition/financial support), computing (application hosting) and networking tools/services (NGEN support) to facilitate day-to-day business and operational functions across the NAVSUP Enterprise. NAVSUP coordinates major IT issues and investments for all NAVSUP core business disciplines (including acquisition, financial management, inventory management, logistics, maintenance, etc.) with the Department of Navy (DoN) Chief Information Officer (CIO), Deputy DoN CIO, and OPNAV sponsors to ensure appropriate levels of approval.
Phone: 717-605-4678 / DSN: 430-4678
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