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NAVSUP Ammunition Logistics Center (NALC) is the fleet’s ammunition support agent. They coordinate fleet requirements, resolve issues and manage distribution, conduct inspections and other technical functions within the Navy Ordnance Enterprise.

Assists the CNO providing global Navy conventional ordnance stockpile management policy and standard operating procedures and guidance in support of worldwide distribution and deployment of naval ammunition.

Performs all technical functions that support the Navy’s ordnance management mission including resource assessment initiatives, ordnance sales from stock, ordnance transfers between services and the Non-Combat Expenditure Allocation (NCEA) Program.

Administers the Navy Ammunition inventory accuracy program, the demilitarization/disposal program, and Navy Ammunition policy development.

Through the Crisis Response Cell, monitors traffic management, transportation, safety and security procedures for the movement of Navy ordnance.

Through NAVSUP AMMOLANT in Norfolk, VA and NAVSUP AMMOPAC in San Diego, CA, provides fleet requisition processing, interface and coordination scheduling for ordnance movements.

Provides Naval ordnance accounting subject matter experts to mission partners worldwide.  Mobile Fleet Support Team (MFST) performs Ordnance Information System, Fleet Sentencing, and Automated Information Technology (AIT) training; ammunition inventory management support; and Ammunition Management Accountability Review inspections for ships and shore sites. Logistics Assistance Officers, in addition to MFST roles, assist their AOR COCOM/Fleet Staff with theater mission operations, movement of ordnance, ammunition load plans, and rollback of ordnance.


Phone: 717-605-2103 / DSN: 430-2103
AMMOLANT OIC:  (757) 443-5220
AMMOLANT Duty Officer:  (757) 849-9349
AMMOPAC OIC:  (619) 545-8506
AMMOPAC Duty Officer:  (619) 651-5322

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