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How To Register your PKI certificate

Register the PKI certificate on your CAC at
  1. Select your current ID certificate when prompted
  2. Click "Continue" on the next page ...
  3. Need more help? Choose Employee or Vendor instructions below.
  4. Employees (civil service, military, contractor, foreign national)
    All employees receive a DoD CAC and *.mil email address.
    PKI certificate (CAC) registration instructions for Employees
  5. Vendors do not have a government work contract nor a *.mil email address
    Vendors sometimes have an IdenTrust or ECA PKI certificate.
    PKI certificate registration instructions for Vendors

If you need to contact a MyNAVSUP helpdesk representative, please provide:

  1.   the URL (page) you are attempting to reach
  2.   a screenshot of your CAC (PKI certificate) selection when prompted
  3.   screenshots of any errors you receive


Top Access Issue:

Error: "unknown CA authority"

Resolution: When prompted for a PKI certificate, select your DOD ID certificate, not DOD EMAIL certificate.

Note: If you do not see your ID certificate populated in your certificate window, click on the ‘More Choices’ link to display all of your available certificates.


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If not, please let us know at NAVSUP Enterprise Web.

If you download any documents, please don't give them to others. Instead, send them a link to this page which is updated on a regular basis.


Missing Root CA certificates

Error: 'There is a problem with this website's security certificate'
Resolution: Root Certificate Authority certificates need to be installed: Public DoD Cyber Exchange site: Getting Started PKI/PKE
  1. Click on the ‘Windows’ (or your operating system).
  2. Step 3 provides guidance on how to install the DoD Root Certificate by using an InstallRoot Setup Wizard.
  3. Click on the Non-Administrator link to download and then run the InstallRoot utility.
  4. Then close and re-start your browser.


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