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Privately Owned Vehicle
(POV aka car) / Special Items

Can I ship my car? What do I do with my boat? Does the motorcycle go in my household good shipment or unaccompanied baggage? These questions and more are answered in the different presentations on this tab. Click on an item on the left to find out detailed information; regulations and where to get answers for your personal move.


Homeport-Unit Move POV Guidance  
The purpose of this pamphlet is to provide vessel move coordinators (VMC) and the local personal property shipping office (PPSO) with information necessary to prepare for the movement of Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) when a Change of Homeport (CHP) is ordered within CONUS. Successful POV movements are not a matter of chance—they are a result of proper preparation and planning. VMCs must establish good communications with crewmembers to determine their move requirements. VMCs and the local PPSO must maintain constant communications through the entire process to ensure success.

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