NAVSUP and the Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain, acquisition, operational logistics and Sailor & family care activities with our mission partners to generate readiness and sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent and decisively win wars.
We manage supply chains that provide material for Navy aircraft, surface ships, submarines and their associated weapons systems. We provide centralized inventory management for Navy's non-nuclear ordnance stockpile. We provide a wide range of base operating and waterfront logistics support services, coordinating material deliveries, contracting for supplies and services, and providing material management and warehousing services.
We are responsible for many of the Quality of Life programs that touch the lives of Sailors and their families every day, including Navy Exchanges, Navy Lodges, the Navy Personal Property Program, and the Navy Postal System. We administer the Navy Food Service Program, with responsibility for the policies and procedures that govern the day to day operations of general messes afloat and ashore.
NAVSUP Enterprise Organizational Chart
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