To establish a permanent waterfront presence that provides value-added logistics support through a network of subject matter experts that expertly integrate support service, move workload off the ship and provide the afloat Supply Officer with a shore based surrogate.
To provide training, assistance and technical support to food service personnel in the proper management and administration of food and services operations.
The Fleet Assistance Team Program of the NAVSUP Global Logistics Support (NAVSUP GLS), provides technical guidance and administrative assistance to forces afloat in order to improve the performance of ships store operations. Teams are located in the following major port areas: Mayport, Fl.; Naples, Italy; Norfolk, Va.; San Diego, Ca.; Yokosuka, Japan and Pearl Harbor, Hi.
POC: Code 431, Logistics Support Officer TEL: DSN 960-5699 ext. 118, COM (904) 270-5699 ext. 118 Email: FLCJAXS_SPVI@NAVY.MIL SPRNT: MYPT.NAVSUP.LSC.FCT@NAVY.SMIL.MIL Customer Service: DSN 960-5699 ext. 111. COM (904) 270-5699 ext. 111
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