
Top 10 items to remember about claims

  1. Ensure high value/high risk items are identified on the inventory sheets.
  2. Get appraisals before the move, if needed.
  3. Ensure inventory sheets are properly completed.  Example:  Large TV could mean various things, if true it should state  “65’ Flat Panel TV”  with make, model and serial number.
  4. REVIEW inventory sheets THOROUGHLY before signing. 
  5. You MUST file your claim against the TSP within 9 months of delivery in order to qualify for Full Replacement Value (FRV). 
  6. Have plenty of help on pack out and delivery days.
  8. Note any damage or loss on the delivery day
  9. You MUST acknowledge receipt of high value/high risk items
  10. You have 75 days following delivery to note any loss or damage not identified at the time of delivery. 

For additional information on claims, please go to our Time To Move Tab/Claims.

Contact the Navy Personnel Claims Unit (PCU) should you have any questions about negotiations, offers made by the TSP, time frames for TSP responses, or transferring your claim.  Contact information is:  (888) 897-8217; Comm (757) 440-6315; DSN: 564-3310 or email:

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