The Mission of NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) is to provide Navy, Marine Corps, Joint and Allied Forces program and supply support for the weapon systems that keep our Naval forces MISSION READY. This mission is carried out by a single command organization operating in Mechanicsburg, Pa, Norfolk, VA and Philadelphia, PA.
What we buy: Support for fixed and rotary wing aircraft to include avionics, ground support equipment and aircraft launch & recovery equipment, jet engine components, various ship and submarine components to include valves, antennas, torpedo tubes, and shafts.
Top NAICS: 33, 32 Click here for more information
What FLCs buy: Engineering services; industrial equipment; administrative and technical services, professional services, educational services, products, repair services and various manufactured items.
FLC Jacksonville: NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Jacksonville provides sourcing solutions and contracting support for NAVSUP customers throughout the Southeastern region and US Southern Command area of responsibility ensuring mission integrity and operational readiness for the Warfighter. Top NAICS: 54, 48, 33, 72, 48, 56 Click here for more information
FLC Norfolk: Provide Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Joint and Allied Forces with timely, effective and efficient global logistics capabilities that enable them to take the fight to the enemy. These capabilities include full-spectrum logistics support to the Fleet; contracting support for both ashore and operational forces; support to regional commanders and Navy installations as the Regional Program Director for ashore logistics, and integrated support to industrial customers, NAVSEA and NAVFAC, for their logistics requirements. Top NAICS: 54, 33, 51, 61, 56 Click here for more information
FLC Pearl Harbor: NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Pearl Harbor (FLCPH) provides wide-ranging logistics and supply support services to our joint warfighters, allied forces, and coalition partners in the Mid-Pacific and beyond. Top NAICS: 56, 51, 48, 33, 54, 72 Click here for more information
FLC Puget Sound: NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC), Puget Sound provides a variety of logistics support services and products to fleet and shore commands of the United States Navy and other military commands and governmental agencies in the Pacific Rim. Top NAICS: 33, 54, 56, 81, 32 Click here for more information
FLC San Diego: NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center San Diego (NAVSUP FLC San Diego) provides logistics, business and support services to fleet, shore and industrial commands of the Navy, Coast Guard and Military Sealift Command and other joint and allied forces. NAVSUP FLC San Diego delivers combat capability through logistics by teaming with regional partners and customers to provide supply chain management, procurement, contracting and transportation services, technical and customer support, defense fuel products and worldwide movement of personal property. Top NAICS: 54, 33, 61, 56, 51, 48 Click here for more information
What NMLC Buys: Products and services in support of Navy Medicine (e.g., clinical health care services (direct patient care), medically-related, non-clinical administrative services (medical coders, transcriptionists, medical appointment clerks), medical equipment/supplies for the fleet and shore-based Navy medical treatment facilities, clinical support services for R&D, and equipment/laboratory supplies in support of the DoD Drug Testing Program). Top NAICS: 62, 54, 33, 32, 81 Click here for more information
What NMFP buys: Medical equipment and supplies, and medical and administrative services. Top NAICS: 33, 54, 52, 62, 51, 81 Click here for more information
What NMFA buys: Medical equipment and supplies, and medical and administrative services. Top NAICS: 33, 81, 32, 54, 51 Click here for more information
NAVSUP provides information systems support through its Business Systems Center. NAVSUP Business Systems Center is the Navy's premier Information Technology provider of choice with responsibility to design, develop, and maintain information systems supporting numerous activities in the functional areas of logistics, supply chain management, transportation, finance and accounting.
NAVSUP Business Systems Center is a world-class provider of IT products and services. Our broad range of services, talented workforce and short procurement lead times mean we can quickly work together to solve your business challenges.
Mission: To deliver Information Technology/Information Management (IT/IM) solutions with specific emphasis on logistics and financial related products and services. Click here for more information
Note: BSC requirements are supported through the Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk contracting office
The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) is responsible for providing oceanographic products and services to all elements of the Department of Defense (DoD). NAVOCEANO is located at John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC) in south Mississippi. From data collection through production and analysis, NAVOCEANO provides the warfighter the best available knowledge of the maritime battlespace. This includes tailored oceanographic, hydrographic, bathymetric, geophysical, and acoustic products and services to DoD customers worldwide that aid in safe navigation and effective mission planning.
Mission: The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) maximizes seapower by applying relevant oceanographic knowledge in support of U.S. National Security.
What NAVO Buys: DoD Oceanographic products & services Top NAICS: 33, 54, 51, 61, 81 Click here for more information
U.S. Naval War College's mission is to educate and develop future leaders by building strategic and cultural perspective and enhancing the capability to advise senior leaders and policy-makers.
What U.S. Naval War College Buys: Education-related products & services. Top NAICS: 61, 33, 54, 51 Click here for more information
The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) is headquarters for the worldwide NEXCOM Enterprise. Its mission is to provide authorized customers with quality goods and services at a savings and to support Navy quality of life programs for active duty military, retirees, reservists and their families.
NEXCOM oversees six primary business programs: Navy Exchange (NEX) Retail Stores and Services; Navy Lodge Program; Uniform Program Management Office (UPMO); Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility (NCTRF); Ships Store Program; and Telecommunications Program Office.
What NEXCOM Buys: services and merchandise sold to customers, and procures supplies and services to support Navy Exchanges (retail stores) and Navy Lodges. Click here for more information
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