Congratulations on your orders to NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Norfolk, VA. As the Commanding Officer, I would like to personally welcome you aboard and assure you that you will find your assignment both rewarding and challenging. You are joining a dynamic team of logistics professionals who are dedicated to our mission of providing logistics support and service to the fleet and Joint force Commanders under whose direction we serve. We look forward to your arrival.
It is important that you be very pro-active in your transfer process and contact us right away. If you need assistance contact the Command Duty Officer (CDO) at 757-544-2321 or ACDO 757-544-2323. We are here to assist you 24/7.
Check-in at the NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Military Personnel Office at 1968 Gilbert Street, Bldg W-143, Suite 600, 6TH floor, front office 757-443-1531/1545/1280, DSN 646-1531/1545/1280 or email during normal work hours. After normal working hours you can contact the NAVSUP FLC CDO 757-544-2321 or ACDO 757-544-2323.
If you need assistance with travel difficulties you may contact CWTSATO customer service travel office 1-800-359-9999 and for emergency assistance dial 1-800-827-7777. Additionally, if you are married, and you or your spouse wish to contact the NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Ombudsman @ 757-544-5411 or e-mail the Ombudsman can assist or provide you with information regarding family matters and support services in the Hampton Roads area.
Prior to arrival temporary family lodging can be arranged through the Navy Lodge at 800-628-9466 (800-NAVY-INN) or Navy Gateway Inn & Suites at 1-877-628-9233 (877-NAVY-BED).
The Hampton Roads area provides a wealth of facilities and Services to meet your personal and professional needs. For more detailed info, visit the links listed below.
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