Pearl Harbor


Aloha and Welcome!

Training at NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Pearl Harbor is a rewarding, professional experience. Hawaii's geographic location as a major fleet concentration area provides ample opportunities for significant contributory support to Mid-Pacific operational units.

NOTE: If you would like to receive AT orders to NAVSUP FLC Pearl Harbor, please fill out the Reserves Member Questionnaire located below.

Please submit the questionnaire to the following e-mail:

If you have any questions, contact NAVSUP FLCPH at (808) 473-7928.

Before Arrival


Please be sure to bring your military ID, drivers license, government MHE license (if applicable), original orders and original modifications (if applicable), original itinerary, and verify your page 2 in NSIPS prior to arrival. Once your orders are approved and prior to departing for Hawaii, you will need to thoroughly review and preferably bring with you the NAVSUP FLC Pearl Harbor Welcome Package.* This package will answer your questions regarding your stay in Hawaii and is located at the bottom of this page. (*has useful information, but is currently being updated)

Upon Arrival

Check In

Upon arrival to Hawaii, follow the directions in your itinerary and check-in at the lodging accommodations indicated. Enlisted will be billeted at the Pearl Harbor BEQ and will need to check-in at the Central Billeting Office, Bldg. 1623, Arizona Towers at 808-473-5983. Officers will be billeted at either the Makalapa BOQ at 808-471-3041 or Naval Station BOQ at 808-473-4165 and may check-in with the appropriate BOQ. If accommodations are not available at these locations, you will be issued a Certificate of Non Availability (CNA) and be reimbursed to stay in town at the government per diem rate. Per your Orders, report to NAVSUP FLC Pearl Harbor Building 475, second deck on your Orders Report date, no later than 0730 to check-in with the Reserve Coordinator. Bring the following documents to Check-in: your original orders, modification (if applicable), and itinerary. Page 2 must be verified/updated in NSIPS within 180 days prior to AT.

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